วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Youth Friendly Service - Lovecare

Lovecare : Facilitation of client-friendly health delivery systems and improving access to health services for HIV prevention and sexual health.

4 Testings VCCT ( Voluntary Confidentcially Counseling Testing )

1) HIV pre-post test counceling
2) STI ( Sexual Transmision Infected)
3) Youth sexual reproductive health service
4) HPV (Papsmear)

HIV infection is spread in three ways:
1) Sexual intercourse
2) Direct contact with infected blood
3) From an infected mother to her unborn child.

80% HIV infection from the sexual intercourse.

Visit website for more details : Lovecarestation.comhttp://http://www.lovecarestation.com/th/

