I have been working with PATH since 9 August 2010 and will have completed on 9 February 2011, one of my assignments is conduct training on Complehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) that "Training" is seem "Teaching" I assumed.
The beginning to be "Trainer or Facilitator" I would like to thankful Kh. Waranuch my PATH manager and Kh.Hatairat the fantastic speaker who of both are my role models and also my "Teachers" They gave me many key skills as such to be bold, confidential, developed, non-judgemental.... those of things are called "Change" on me.
May I give this Poem to them.
"I Want To Be Like You"
Thank you, teacher,for being my life's role model.
When I consider all you've taught me
and reflect on the kind of person you are
I want to be like you—smart, interesting and engaging
positive, confident, yet unpretentious.
I want to be like you—
well-informed and easy to understand
thinking with your heart as well as your head
gently nudging us to do our best
with sensitivity and insight.
I want to be like you—
giving your time, energy and talent
to ensure the brightest possible future
for each of us.
Thank you, teacher
For giving me a goal to shoot for
I want to be like you! (By Joanna Fuchs)
I assisted team to conduct training 150 teachers 5 schools, 3,000 youth 11 schools , 250 parents in two districts here.
May I give this Poem to students, teachers, parents and youth who had received the Sexual Educational programe and also anothers youth might have got inspirations.
With students like you, teaching is easy
I look forward to each day
Your wondering minds keep me on my toes
You make teaching more like play.
Students like you make teaching rewarding
Students like you make teaching rewarding
When I go home I’m content
You pay attention, you learn—giving me A sense of accomplishment.
Thank you for being the way you are, For making my job so much fun.
Thank you for being the way you are, For making my job so much fun.
I’ll remember how good you made me feel,Even when my teaching is done.
(By Joanna Fuchs)
(By Joanna Fuchs)
Why Sexual Education is important, many of people would have unsafe sex because they dont know how to use contraceptive that one is the cause of unplanned pregnancy.